A review by jarka120
Those Who Prey by Jennifer Moffett


If you want a book that is gripping in the most unsettling way, this is a must-read. Those Who Prey completely flips the coming of age narrative, by making a very singular experience universal. Emily's loneliness and grief, her desperation to find anyone and anything that brings her comfort and acceptance is something we can all relate to.

Things I liked:

-The characters were really well fleshed-out and I felt like each played a purpose and had distinct personalities. I think this is hard to do sometimes when there's a larger ensemble, but Moffett does it very well.
-There is a solid resolution at the end. I actually was afraid that there would be some loose ends that aren't tied up, but all my questions were answered by the conclusion which is always REALLY important to me.
-I've never read a book about cults or even know much about them past general things, but I feel like this book gave a very clear insight. Another review mentioned that the book reads almost like a memoir, and I completely agree with that sentiment. It felt raw and honest and real which is one of the things that really hooked me in.

Overall, there's not a lot I didn't like about the book. It is easily a 5/5 for me, though I understand how it might not be for everyone. Either way, I highly recommend giving it a try.

Many thanks to the publisher and NetGalley for providing me with an eARC of this novel in exchange of an honest review.