A review by fuzzywuzzy
Lügen. Nichts als Lügen by Helen Callaghan


⭐️⭐️⭐️A solid 3.5 stars!

The description of this book was amazing and I couldn’t help but want to read it.

It opens with Sophie out living it up in London when she gets a call from her mother to please come home. She brushes her off and promises to come the next day, but when she arrives she finds a horrible scene.

From there the book really slowed down. I wanted to quit reading so bad and move onto something else but I pushed through and I’m glad I did. At first I was disappointed by the “shocking twist” so many other reviewers reveled at, but as I kept going I saw that the real twist (or should I say twists) don’t come until near the end. Have no fear... they don’t disappoint.

The cult subject matter is what was really hard for me to read through. The subject matter just didn’t appeal to me and it took too long for things to get interesting.

I was excited to see Rosie’s mothers notebooks get introduced and expected some really juicy information, but it just didn’t happen. I could’ve done without them. They could have all been summed up into a letter. They just weren’t packed full of need to know information to me. They didn’t really add to the book.

The author did a good job with the twists, just not the best telling of the story. All in all, it was an ok read.