A review by opheliabedilia
Worked Up by Tessa Bailey


This is the story of two people who get married the day after they meet for reasons that prove that between the two of them, they have the collective reasoning skills of a five year old. They then proceed to spend either one or two weeks apart, I've already forgotten which although I finished this earlier today, then come back together for a day and... wait for it... decide to renew their vows.

To recap: this couple, upon spending a total of about three days together, somehow managed to get married twice. But hey, when a marriage is built on sex and puns, what could possibly go wrong?

Oh, and the epilogue contains a sentence that says, unironically apparently, that they spent the first two weeks of living together "taking it slowly". Which seems to mean they waited that two weeks, during which, I will remind you, they were already twice-married, to say "I love you".