A review by lesley
The Dangerous Case of Donald Trump: 27 Psychiatrists and Mental Health Experts Assess a President by Jennifer Contarino Panning, Henry J. Friedman, Howard Covitz, Lance Does, Harper West, John D. Garner, Gail Sheehy, Steve Wruble, Robert Jay Lifton, Leonard Glass, Diane Jhueck, Elizabeth Mika, Edwin B. Fisher, Philip Zimbardo, Rosemary Sword, Craig Malkin, Thomas Singer, Bandy X. Lee, Tony Schwartz


This collection of 27 different essays on the dangerousness of trump can be a bit repetitive due to the fact that the majority of examples used we're similar in each essay, narcissism, lying, grandiosity, buddying up to despots, not understand the basic fundamentals of democracy, just stuff like that. It was okay though because the repetition reinforced how not normal all that is. I appreciated each perspective and the reminder that it is up to us all to be vigilant.