A review by alwaysbooking
Nyxia by Scott Reintgen


I’m not sure I could add anything to the conversation about this amazing book that hasn’t been said. I am kicking myself for not starting it earlier that’s for sure. It held me in its grasp and wouldn’t let me go the whole time I was reading.

There are some really amazing characters in this book. Emmet is the main character that we follow throughout this book, he is picked we think from the beginning for his lack of funds. Of course that’s never the whole truth. Nothing with this program is as it seems, Emmet seems to dig the truth out a little bit at a time. The other characters that are up to go to Eden with Emmet are a mixed bag of apples. The author had an uncanny way of making you feel exactly what Emmet felt during the book. So when he was making friends or enemies you felt everything he felt. I think that character connection was really important for me. While Nyxia itself plays a very important rule in this book as an every evolving thing that Babel and Emmet doesn’t quite understand. I’m not sure it was quite as important as the internal battles and physical battles Emmet was waging.

The plot line in this book was amazing, so amazing in fact that I was sending some hilarious snaps to my BFF of my face during the plot twists. Saying WHAT?? I can’t believe that happened!!! I’m so excited that there was so much depth to this book, and the characters had flaws. Flaws in a good way, they can either grow from these flaws or die a horrible death.. I’m just kidding.. sort of! I just cannot wait to get my hands on the second book.