A review by marimoose
Fairest: In All the Land by Bill Willingham


Been meaning to pick up some of the Fairest issues after seeing them at the comics store, but settled for a library loan of Fairest in All the Land. Girl power, right?

Ever since the issue she had shown up (Fables #22), I've always adored Cinderella, and second to Snow, she's probably my favorite fair-faced gal in Fabletown. That and the fact that this collection of tales was a fairy tale whodunit became the clincher for me. And who doesn't love a bit of murder every now and then, eh?

That said, there really should be a place to tell me what part of the Fables canon the stories are in, 'cause I was running into spoilers of things I did not get to yet in the actual Fables series. Those slightly put a damper on things, especially since I'm still not caught up on what happens past volume 16, and apparently this was supposed to be a standalone. But anyway, other than that, I liked the compilation, certainly didn't mind the change in artwork (I got used to it after The Sandman series), and adored the characters, so yes.