A review by wherescoco
After the Internship by Brooke Cumberland


1.5 stars. Storyline had so much potential but Bentley was a complete alpha douchebag, and the (unnecessary?) age difference kind of killed it for me. If she were a few years older, it may have squeezed an extra star out of me, but alas, something about reading these sex scenes featuring an 18 y/o high school girl was weird (and most of the time not even believable).

Bentley’s pretty much the opposite of my idea of a leading man. Cocky, hyper-masculine, overly broody, out-of-touch rich boy snob, and a former MODEL. How many cliches can we fit into one character?

So cringey when he brags about his car or his modeling career. In my opinion, if a significant age difference is a key part of the storyline, I would’ve preferred Bentley be written be more mature.

The whole “jealous lover” trope is also a little played out for me, sadly. I think there’s a fine line between heat-of-passion-possessiveness and just plain ol’ borderline abuse, and it’s all about how well you write your characters. Like, this guy flips out of nowhere at the vaguest mention of a long past ex boyfriend. Mmmmkay not cute, that would be a red flag for me...
Christian Grey you are not, sir.

Also, it pains me to say—this book had too many typos!