A review by _changingtime
Icebreaker by Hannah Grace


I tried to stop myself but here we are

1. no mental health professional should (nor would) ever convince you to take active steps to put yourself further/deeper into your abuser's orbit. any step that you take to distance yourself, either physically or emotionally, should be met with encouragement -- not pressure to see the other side or regress back to a situation that does you more harm
2. calorie restriction and control is one of the most insidious and dangerous kinds of physical abuse and should not be overlooked, brushed aside or minimised in favour of more outwardly and traditionally recognisable forms -- either by yourself or anyone else
2a. if this is happening in a sports setting, your captain and/or organiser should be versed in the danger of this kind of abuse and make active steps to signpost you to support services. they should not accept surface-value excuses or minimise the harm it has caused for the sake of competition targets
3. knowing psychological terms/phrases for abuse, trauma and mental health issues (commonly known as 'therapy talk') does not make you immune to them. a problem does not go away by actively recognising it as one
3a. do not ignore concerned loved ones because you think knowing the route of the problem has conquered it - just because they cannot actively name what is happening through the terminology of a psychology textbook, does not mean that their help, advice and support should be brushed aside
3b. spending a lot of your week/day in therapy does not mean that your problems have gone away. you could be in there twenty four hours a day seven days a week, and still be actively harmed