A review by eloiseinparis
Born in Blood by Alexandra Ivy


I have to say from the start I did not like Duncan. He came across as more of a crass sexually harassing frat boy then a seasoned cop who was raised by a loving mother and strong women for sisters. When we first met him he felt the need to crudely tell Callie multiple times how he was going to screw her. I didn’t get why she thought it was sexy. Nor did I get why she was so impressed by his looks, because every High Blood we met was described as insanely gorgeous so her seeing really good looking men was part of her daily routine. While Duncan’s fascination with Callie made sense, Callie being so eager to jump into his bed was odd. I guess that’s why nearing the end of the book they suddenly had some mystical bond.

The bad guys on the other hand I found fascinating. Their back stories were steeped in history and mysticism and I wish we saw more of them. I also like the discovery of a secret group and I am eager to see what messes they cause in the future. The world built was also done well, and the alluding to many types of High Bloods out there peaked my interest. I will definitely be reading the next book in the series.