A review by hesitantrogue
The Last Unicorn by Peter S. Beagle


As a diehard fan of the movie, I thought it was about time that I finallt read the book. I shouldn't have been surprised thay it stuck so close to the movie, given Beagle helped write the screenplay and script for it. HOWEVER, it was really nice to have all of the extra little bits that WEREN'T included in the movie. There's an astonishing number of incredible quotes in this book, and they're ones that hit hard and deep for me.

As a fan or Schmendrick, I was happy to see him get much more attention and an actual plot/explanation for his magic and "lack thereof" for the majority of the book.

Definitely recommend if you like your kinda old school/traditional fantasy stories with magic and mythical creatures! And love I guess. I was never the biggest fan of Lady Amalthea and Lír, and liked them more based off of their characters built up individually.

I definitely intend on picking up a fancy copy of the book if there is one so I can keep it in my own personal collection.