A review by heather0918
Defiant by Candace Wondrak



I really tried to like this series. The first book was ok but got pretty good towards the end so I figured the story would just be a slow burn and work it’s way to getting good. Sadly that didn’t happen. The story and the characters just seem to be all over the place. And sorry, but my biggest pet peeve with some of these stories is when a character gets asked a straight question that they can easily answer, but then chooses not to and it makes everything go crazy! Like, just tell them the truth already!!! Don’t say “well, uhh...” and then the other person storms off and BAM drama begins where there really is no drama needed! It just makes everything drag out unnecessarily. And there is SO much repetition in these books, it gets annoying. I can’t tell you how many times Jaz mentioned her mom made them leave and cut off ties completely to her old life...I know...I’ve read it like 7 times already. And what’s with her not even getting the phone numbers of all these guys that are in love with her that she supposedly is infatuated with back, until way later in the books? There’s just so much that doesn’t really flow or make sense. And all Archer had to do was literally say “Im sorry” and she was back to letting him touch her again?!? Heck to the NO after what he did in the first book! Stick up for yourself and get some self respect Jaz!!!

On top of that, I feel absolutely nothing for any of the guys. The personalities are just so bland to me. Vaughn, for being all dark and mysterious with a badass family and tattoos, is a very vanilla character. And he and Jaz have basically no interactions or encounters outside of sitting at the lunch table. But she’s everything to him? And she’s super hot for him? What, huh? Then there’s Archer...also boring. I mean grow some and tell Britney to shove it. He’s such a pushover. Dante is probably my favorite since he’s at least funny with some character. Jacob is so-so but I can’t find anything mouthwatering about him either. The guys just have no “panty dropping” qualities whatsoever. Where’s the strong, bada** alphas with the money and the big boy parts? It’s like reading about sad little puppies that just think the FMC is super hot so they want her. BUT they don’t get in there and fight for her. It’s just really frustrating. And to top it off I feel like Jaz is somehow this sex crazed dirty talking bad girl with Jacob but acts like a reserved goody two shoes outside of that. Makes no sense. Is she a strong, sassy female character or isn’t she? I sometimes felt like I was reading about a totally different FMC at times..

Lastly, I love RH books but the relationships in this one are just plain awkward. I feel like the guys in a RH should at least have some bond or connection, but none of these guys do so it makes the relationships seem very forced and a bit unrealistic.

I guess I’m just in the minority with this series, given all the high stars that were awarded by other readers. Not finishing.