A review by novelesque_life
The Ladies of Ivy Cottage by Julie Klassen


2017; Bethany House Publishers

I rated this novel a bit less than the first book just because this one was more of a bridging book. By bridging I mean, this novel was continuing the story but also setting up for the third book. You would have to read the first book before reading The Ladies of Ivy Cottage or it won't be as enjoyable. In book two, we see a lot more of Rachel and Mercy, which was great. I like their storylines and but also the joint friendships. They are not as close in book one, and are again seeing one another more and working out the issues they had. Klassen continues to do a good job with setting up the time and place. This is one of those series that really does take you to another place while you are reading. For an escapist like me, that is an A in my book (pun intended).

***I received an eARC from NETGALLEY***

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