A review by sssnoo
Censoring an Iranian Love Story by Shahriar Mandanipour


I am not going to rate this book yet, as I want to have my book club discussion first. Perhaps it will go up in stars. Currently - well, I did not like this book and I just wanted it to be done. There were so many tangents - the dead hunch back midget that I think was some reference to 1001 nights but I just didn’t get, a random whale lying in the middle of a highway, Sinbad’s miraculous growing beard, and the interupted story within a story within a story - ugh. Was it satire? I just did’t like it at all. I don’t stop reading books, but I would have stopped this one if it wasn’t for a book club. I sped it up to 2x speed just to finish it because it was driving me crazy.