A review by readbydusk
They Don't Come Home Anymore by T.E. Grau


I think I fell prey to high expectations and not being in the right headspace for this. I loved I Am The River and I expected something along the same vein. But this book is more of a satire on vampires and pop culture, and subversion of the usual "helpless teenager seeking mystical help" trope. I didn't jive with the overall tone of the book, and I couldn't connect with the main character. I found her annoying, to be honest. We get a glimpse of her dark side but it's not fully expanded. I would have loved to know more about why she does the things she do. I really liked the ending but it felt too little too late. It's still an entertaining novella and the writing is top notch. I just wanted something dark and scary and I didn't find it here.

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