A review by literallytara
Tune: Still Life by Derek Kirk Kim, Les McClaine


I got this book from NetGalley without realizing that it's the second in a series, but it ended up okay. In this installment, Andy Go has begun his work as a human exhibit in an alien zoo. The aliens have set him up with an exact replica of his home to live in for one year as aliens watch him through panes of glass. $250,000 seemed like a good salary for this "job" when Andy signed the papers, but he slowly realizes that the job is more than he'd bargained for. His interactions with his neighbor, zookeeper, audience, and eventual companion are just not enough to make him love this life of captivity he's chosen.

I did enjoy Tune: Still Life without having read Tune: Vanishing Point. This might actually be a series I'll continue reading. Like many serial graphic novels, the story is realitively short, simple, and can read in a single setting. This is one chapter of Andy Go's story. Andy is a little bit directionless and lazy, but totally in love with his friend Yumi, so I imagine the characters and plot are developed fully over the course of the series. So I don't expect to feel satisfied at the end of the book, as that's not really the point.

Andy Go is not necessarily a "likable" character, but his situation is fascinating. It begs readers to think about what we'd do as exhibits in an alien zoo. Sure it sounds nice to get a few days to lounge around the house with your favorite foods delivered, but eventually the wall close in. Loneliness hits. Isolation is apparent. And, as Andy Go is shocked to realize, the aliens get to watch everything from going to the bathroom to getting dressed.

Final Grade: B
I will be reading the rest of this series, if I can get my hands on them. It's an interesting concept and great light reading. Though I think the intended audience for this is new adults/adults, there would be crossover appeal for high school students (though be aware of bathroom scenes of Andy on the toilet and the fact that the aliens give Andy Go a female housemate with the hopes of watching the human mating pattern).