A review by amybibliophile
The Chain by Adrian McKinty


This, my friends, is what I call a page-turner thriller!

Cancer survivor Rachel believes shes handled her fair share of bad luck in recent years, after her husband left her for another woman during her recovery and currently on the way to the oncology hospital after doctors become concerned again, all she wants is to be able to live her life with her 13-year-old daughter Kylie by her side. However that morning her phone rings and her world is about to be turned upside down again.

It's pretty simple really: Your child has been abducted, you need to pay a large sum of money into an overseas account via Bitcoin, you need to abduct another child and call their parents for them to repeat the process. Once they have successfully followed the steps your child will be released.
If any of the process messes up, your child gets killed. You get the police involved, your child gets killed. You are now part of the chain.

This book was written so well, straight away you are thrown into the thick of it and before your mind has chance to slow down and say 'Woah, woah, woah, WHAT?', another element is added and you pretty much just go on this high-tension, emotional roller-coaster of shock after shock right until the book ends. Its safe to say I read this book in a couple of sittings!

I think it's all the more intriguing because this could genuinely happen/might already be happening somewhere out there in the world. The shock doesn't take away the fact that this makes sense, when the right child is selected from the right family the chain could go on time-after-time without it ever being bought to light, as lets face it, I'd like to think most mothers & fathers would do anything for their children, but it is being done in such a way that the parent is incriminating themselves to have their child returned making it even harder to bring the chain to light.

This was an all round thrilling read and Adrian McKinty has certainly put himself on my auto-buy author list in future!