A review by theeditorreads
Happily Ever After & Everything In Between by Debbie Tung


How does one review a graphic novel? Well, this is the first one that I am reviewing (yep, surprising!) and I’m learning as I go forward. Also, it has been a few years since I last read one which was my entire collection of Tintin by [a:Hergé|2802356|Hergé|https://images.gr-assets.com/authors/1557855060p2/2802356.jpg].

I’ve had my eyes for a long time on [b:Book Love|39296114|Book Love|Debbie Tung|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1537722936l/39296114._SX50_.jpg|60874701], Debbie Tung’s second graphic novel. Being the book lover that I am, it is the next book I’m looking forward to reading. And when the opportunity came to read her latest work, I’m thankful to NetGalley for allowing me to read it!

Happily Ever After is the author’s story. Of her own happily ever after with her best friend and husband, Jason. It is a really lovely take on everyday life, just what the second part of the title says – Everything In Between. I’m not yet married, never had a boyfriend, but I devour romantic books like nobody’s business. My 500+ romance reads as listed on Goodreads can attest to that. And I can definitely say that this one was so, so good. And a real-life story at that!

Initially, while reading it, I was kind of waiting for something phenomenal to happen. It takes a little time to get used to, maybe. But a small way in and the adventure starts to show. The banal conversations, the comforting familiarity, the getting used to being married, the sharing with each other, also motivating each other, the cute skirmishes, and essentially starting over in life as a couple (the decisions to make). Even the society peeks in once with its comments.

[a:Debbie Tung|16557741|Debbie Tung|https://images.gr-assets.com/authors/1504212452p2/16557741.jpg]’s way of description and dialogue had me enraptured for close to three hours (I couldn’t resist and finished reading it in between other books). I will always treasure this small wonder of art, where Tung managed to transform the mundane to the magical! (And in the process helped me to pick some pointers, because did I not mention introvert?)

Thank you to Andrews McMeel Publishing and NetGalley for an e-ARC of the book.

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Shaina's Musings