A review by katieinca
The Rise and Fall of D.O.D.O. by Nicole Galland, Neal Stephenson


Neal Stephenson for Connie Willis fans. And Neal Stephenson fans whose favorite Stephenson includes the Baroque Cycle and Reamde.
Time travel! Magic! Banter! 700+ pages filled with absurd acronyms and bureaucracy-mocking! It almost felt like it was pandering to me. I really couldn't shake the feeling that I was reading a not-quite-right Connie Willis book, which was distracting. And the character building was hit-and-miss - the male lead, in particular, remained kind of a sketch.
The end is a bit quick and tidy, and feels like a start to a series. Which... I guess I would read? It'd some hybrid creature that takes some of the style of my vacation reading (Ilona Andrews, Seanan McGuire) but grafts it onto Neal Stephenson plotting, so sure, sign me up. Apparently I should check out some more Nicole Galland.