A review by ashishiyer
Urban Naxals by Vivek Agnihotri


I read this book in one day. Its been ages to complete any book in one day. This book is really an eye-opener for me in many levels.

This book exposes the reality of the blood money behind the intellectual mafia ruling Indian Media and popular discourse. Exposes how criminals are ruling the roost in India wearing a mask of "human rights", "women’s right" and various NGOs. I am not saying every NGOs are corrupted, there are some who used NGOs to bypass the money or agenda. Not only terrorist are brainwashed, in this book you can see how educated normal citizen are brainwashed to the core. You can also find how professor and students are brainwashed. It also exposes how communist/leftist/breaking India ideology has infiltrated our educational institutions like termites for decades and how their narrative is supported by the sold out media. Earlier I used to think Naxals or communist are very few in numbers. After reading this book i realized that these hypocrites are in large numbers in every urban and they never want any development or upliftment for society. For them only their purpose should be solved.

There seems to be a self-destructive strand among sections of India that makes them actively court and woo forces that are inimical, hostile to or want to dismember whatever is left of the Indian-ness component in the Indian state.

Like Sandeep Balakrishna beautifully said "Perhaps jungle Naxalism is no longer required: we now have two and half generations of Naxals in our cities and towns who are thoroughly brainwashed that they don't even realise that they've have been brainwashed".

Hats off to the boldness of Author Vivek Agnihotri. The book gives an account of a filmmakers encounter with radicalism in urban India. Everyone should read it. I don’t give a damn when some people give negative reviews about this book. Read the book then judge it. Many will review it without even reading it.

Must read.