A review by annsbibliotherapy
Bone Weaver by Aden Polydoros


With Magic woven throughout the story with the intent, delicacy, and precision of a tapestry you see so many magical moments, some subtle and some so powerful you find yourself questioning who's really in control, who's good and who's just plain evil.

Bone Weaver is a Seemless blending of folk lore and imagination that will awaken your senses and your mind to a tale that takes you through this intense world like you're right there experiencing all of the ups and downs with Toma, Mikhail, and everyone that makes this book so special.

These Characters will take you through a lifetime of emotion in the course of the story and never lets you down while in a setting that will bring tears to your eyes with its beauty and sincerity.

This book is wonderfully written, well thought out and has a voice and uniqueness all its own.

This is a solid 4.5 book for me.

Thank you to NetGalley and the Publisher for providing a copy of this ebook in exchange for an honest review