A review by em_thebookish_girl
Through the Ashes by Julia Wolf


This is my second read by Julia Wolf, Through the Ashes is a bully romance and book #2 in The Savage Crew series. Although it's a standalone, I recommend reading book #1 Start a Fire. Hence the heroine Bex was featured in it. It's also a diverse read, and I really enjoyed seeing the characters from the previous book. And Gabe!! He's such a trouble maker! Gabe and Bex have this love and hate friend/relationship. Bex tolerates Gabe's behavior to a certain point, once it reaches tipping point, they start bickering like a brother and sister. Reading their dialogues was definitely one of my highlights.

In the first few chapters, I thought had an idea where this plot was heading. But, oh boy! I was so wrong! At first, Bex and Asher (hero) really hit it off, which completely surprised me. But as the plot started to unravel, Asher did a 180 degree change. Asher is not what he seems like, he might be the innocent golden boy star football player, but that's just his facade. He's far more sinister; Asher has a darker side to him. Bex and Asher's interactions with each other was heated and explosive. A never ending standoff. Both of them may seem to despise each other, yet they are desperately craving for one anothers' attention and touch. A tragedy and unfortunate incident bounds them. And more then anything, Bex and Asher need each other. Overall, I really liked this book! And it's my favorite so far out of this series. Can't wait for Gabe's book!

While attending Savage River High, Bex wasn't really in the same circle/group of friends as Asher. Very rarely their paths crossed with each other; Bex avoided engaging with the popular crowd. Asher is on the high school football team, and Bex can be seen as a nerd while having a Gothic/artsy dressing style. Bex has a complicated home living environment. Bex's family expected nothing but the best from her, but at the same time, they weren't really present in her life; her parents were oblivious to their daughter's needs or feelings. Bex and Asher are both hurting, grieving in their own ways. And ultimately, they are two people who can understand each other the most.

**I received an ARC in exchange for my honest