A review by kara_hildebrand
Crazy by Adriana Locke


Crazy is the fourth book in The Gibson Boys series by the talented and fabulous Adriana Locke, and you guys, this is Peck's story. I'm not going to lie, he wasn't my favorite from the beginning of the series. I liked him, he's cute, funny and hilarious, but he didn't steal my heart the way his cousins did. Until Crazy. I didn't expect to fall head over heels for this man. This sexy, thoughtful, fun, endearing, loyal and amazing man. He's there for everyone, that's just who he is. He makes things right, he fixes things, he loves his friends and family. He's loving and lovable, he just needs to find the right woman. She's out there, he knows it. He needs to listen to his heart and his head. He knows which path he's supposed to take. Toward the future. Away from his past. It's going to take the perfect woman to steal and keep Peck's heart. I can not even express how much I loved this story. Peck. You wonderful man. I hurt for him. I cried for him. I laughed with him and I swooned over his sexiness. His story was everything I wanted it to be and more. So. Much. More. I smiled so much my face hurt. I cried so hard the words were swimming in my vision. Adriana wins the romance award for this delicious and perfect man. Peck Ward for the win!

“I should have taken the time to kiss you more.”
“We kissed in the kitchen, Peck. Checked that box,” I say, bringing a finger down and then back up in a check mark motion in the air.
He grins. “But not like I wanted to.”
“Then kiss me now.”