A review by jonetta
Barefoot by the Sea by Roxanne St. Claire


Tessa Galloway just wants a baby and every man who looks like a hookup possibility also looks like a potential sperm donor. When she meets John Brown in a bar, things zing along swimmingly until she asks for a donation. When their encounter crashes, things get even dicier when he shows up as the much needed chef for the resort. But John has a big secret...he's in the UK witness protection program and they've more in common than she knows.

I must admit I wasn't looking forward to Tessa's story and put off reading it until now. Big mistake as it turned out to be one of my favorites of the series. John/Ian is refreshing in that on the surface he seems like he's carefree and a lover. Scratch just a bit below the surface and you discover all his complexities and passions, making him an appealing character. His reasons for being in the program will break your heart and Tessa's history makes her much more sympathetic.

This was a fine ending to a wonderful series. I regret having put off reading this story.