A review by bear_reads_books
A Flaw in the Design by Nathan Oates


Gil really doesn't like his nephew. And yet, he's agreed to take Matthew in after his parents are killed in an accident. From the moment he picks him up at the airport, he's suspicious of the boy and dreads bringing him into his home. He's never forgiven or forgotten an incident involving Matthew that resulted in harm towards his youngest daughter.

Gil is the narrator and he is constantly judging Matthew's words and actions. Though the boy seems to have mellowed and is nice to his family, he refuses to trust Matthew has changed. He believes every smile is actually a sneer, everything he says and does has an ulterior motive.

Is Matthew truly dangerous or is Gil just paranoid? The tension never lets up as Gil attempts to constantly keep track of Matthew's whereabouts, certain he's up to something. Matthew also seems to taunt him by taking Gil's writing class and creating fiction that might be based on things he's done and could do.

Gil becomes desperate to prove Matthew is dangerous but every bit of possible evidence is circumstantial at best. Is Matthew a monster or is Gil blinded by the past? Gil doesn't come across as completely reliable and Matthew is never completely trustworthy. So you're never sure what to expect or just how far Gil will go to take his nephew down.

I read over 70% of A Flaw in the Design in one sitting then picked it back up the very next night and finished it. So I was definitely into it. Though you're along for the ride on Gil's one track mind, the story never lags or becomes boring. I was hooked from beginning to surprising end. I for one am hoping we get a sequel.

Thank you NetGalley and Random House for the e-ARC.

Review also at A Good Mystery