A review by octavia_cade
The Voyages of Cinrak the Dapper by A.J. Fitzwater


You know, after seemingly endless avalanches of nothing but miserable fantasy, all that grimdark why-do-you-even-bother-being-alive shite, it's really nice to have a fantasy that's all about finding happiness and doing good. Fitting, then, that the main character is a capybara, famed as they are for their laid-back attitude and willingness to make friends with any number of species. This particular capybara is a pirate, which is ridiculous but just plain fun. The author notes in the introduction that people would light up when told about pirate capybaras, and that's been my own experience when telling others about this book. It's an idea that just makes people smile.

There's no wider story here. Rather, it's a collection of loosely connected short stories, all set in the same universe and with the same characters, and they are all likeable. My particular favourite is Agnes the kraken, because I will never not like tentacular monsters. Agnes is only one of a wider cast, however, and the whole thing is just imaginative and original and relentlessly positive. I really appreciate that.