A review by sandylovesbooks
The Summoning by Heather Graham


I picked this book up thinking it would be good to read. I've read some of Heather Graham's books before and had a half and half reaction. Some were really good and others were a no-go. But this book was good enough to finish. The things I loved about the book were the ghosts. Monty, the older ghost, watches Netflix and hums The Twilight Zone theme. There is also his grandson, Justin, another ghost. They are the only ones I was interested in when reading the book. This book was also a who-done-it mystery. Two people disappeared within 2 years of each other, and two people died under mysterious ways. Kristi, the main female character, is the owner of the bed & breakfast where they hold seances and all manor of bad things happen. I didn't like Kristi or Dallas, the main male character. Eh, it just held my attention enough for me to want to read to the end.

Here are some notes I wrote while reading the book.

page 40 - I don't like how the author writes her women. They are like the old gothic romances with the women running away from the haunted mansions on the cover and needing the man to rescue them. I was waiting for Dallas to pat Kristi on her head. The poor dear.

page 59 - Monty appears to Kristi and she runs down the stairs and out the door straight into the arms of Dallas, because, of course. The next time she sees Monty, he knocks on her door, and asks, politely, if he can come into her bedroom. This is when she finds out he watches Netflix and hums the theme song to The Twilight Zone.

page 61 - The second ghost appears. Justin is the grandson of Monty and they both watch over the house.

page 103 - Oh no! He's sitting alone. Thank God he had a cell phone because people would think he was crazy if he was sitting alone.

page 107 - Dallas is having a hard time focusing on his job when Kristi is around. She is so pretty. So I guess if she were a dog he wouldn't have a problem focusing on his job. She is so pretty and he is so, I don't know, God-like.

page 157-159 - Oh no. The sex scene. How incredibly....I have no words....I think I might puke. There's nothing to it and it's so blah. Kristi and Dallas really don't have any chemistry at least none that I could see. We are supposed to believe they are falling in love.

page 250 - Slavery is one of the worst things one human can do to another human and was a huge blot on the history of the US and just as much in other countries as well. And unfortunately, not much has changed. That was only a part of what the Civil War was fought about. But to have character after character say that slavery was bad does not make me think these people are so good because they say that.

page 259 - The reason this book is on my sandy's trigger shelf. The dreaded wink. I hate it. But it's not so bad this time. It was to Kristi from Jonah, who is the elderly caretaker of the house. He was teasing her about being nice to Dallas. Kind of a wink, wink, nudge, nudge.

page 322 - Oh no, no, no. Sexism at it's finest. Kristi is joking that she could take a young lady in a fight. Dallas, in all his shithead attitude, says " I'm sure you're fierce in a hair-pulling fight." Yeah, fuck you Dallas! I'm sure you also think Kristi will be upset because she will break a nail.

I hope the author doesn't write anymore misogynistic assholes but I have a bad feeling.

The book was ok and had me wanting to read it to find out who killed those two people and can they find proof that Monty didn't kill his wife. For a book at 377 pages the ending seemed a bit rushed and I didn't care for the conclusion of Dallas and Kristi. So I probably will not read anymore Krewe of Hunters books. Maybe I'll try another series with more ghosts.