A review by danisnowman
Attached to God: A Practical Guide to Deeper Spiritual Experience by Krispin Mayfield


Great book!

Some quotes:

"Spiritual bypass is what happens when we avoid dealing with difficult emotions, trauma, or other challenging parts of life. Instead, we rely on spiritual concepts or platitudes such as “God won’t give you more than you can handle” and “When God closes a door, he opens a window.” It’s not only clichés that are used; standalone Bible verses also fit the bill. During hard times we shove down our anxiety by reminding ourselves that “God works for the good of those who love him,”3 trusting that everything will turn out fine. All the while, we try to forget that the man who penned those words, the apostle Paul, was repeatedly beaten, imprisoned, stoned, and eventually executed."

"She [i.e. Hagar] calls God “El Roi,” which means “the God who sees.” Hagar, who feels felt, says, “I have now seen the One who sees me.” She knows that she matters to God, having a sense that her experience resonates with God, and she feels the resonance. She feels a connection of closeness and care. Here we learn the story of a God who yearns to draw close and be with us in our turbulent times."