A review by shesgotstories
The Girl from the Sea by Molly Knox Ostertag


This young adult graphic novel was so cute with such a lovely storyline and lots of little lessons scattered throughout it! I loved watching Morgan discover her sexuality and grow into herself throughout the book and the lighthearted and quirky approach to the different scenes. Real rating of 4.5 stars.

Having a selkie as a main character was really cool and all the illustrations were the cutest thing ever! I love a graphic novel where the facial expressions perfectly capture the moment and the characters and their personalities and this book did a great job at that! The seal illustrations were the cutest thing ever and the colorful art style helped tell the story extremely well.

This graphic novel was a fast read and I do think it should've been a bit longer so it could've been less rushed with a little less insta-love as the emotional connection seemed very quick. Overall, it's such a cute book for all ages to enjoy and you should definitely check it out!