A review by emmascr
Her Last Mistake by Carla Kovach


This review was originally posted on Star Crossed Reviews Thank you to bookouture for letting me take part in this tour and for my copy of this book via netgalley. I am a HUGE Gina Harte fan and I was very excited to dive back into this world. This is the 6th Gina Harte book but you could read them as a standalone. Personally I would recommend reading all the books so you can get a better understanding of some of the relationships.

Gina Harte has caught another terrible case. Holly Long has been found dead in her room at Cleevsford Manor. It's her friend's wedding reception. As always Gina throws herself into the case. She is determined and works herself to the bone trying to find the killer. Gina has been through a lot and each new case takes its toll too.

I feel for Gina's daughter Hannah but I do think that she could be more understanding. I wish they could have a better relationship.

This case is full of suspects and dead ends. Gina has no evidence, too many suspects and more dead ends than a girl in (COVID-19) lockdown. Carla kept me on the edge of my seat right to the very end.

This was another excellent instalment of the Gina Harte series! I miss the characters already!