A review by warlockmythic
The Punisher, Vol. 1: In the Beginning by Garth Ennis


The MAX imprint was the last best thing that happened to Marvel. Ennis successfully takes the liberty to use this imprint for a violent, gritty and mature story. While the violence is over the top, I loved the art direction and Tim Bradstreet’s cover posters. Profanity, guns and drugs are freely used in order to convey a more explicit story and this allows for a more realistic Frank Castle. It’s the type of storyline the modern cringe Marvel fans are too squeamish and picky about. It’s what Marvel should have been instead of letting themselves be bought by Disney. You might not like the plot entirely, but the art, aesthetics, mournful realism and moral dilemmas do justice to The Punisher. Suck on that, Avengers!