A review by thebritishbibliophile
Good Enough by Kelly Elliott


GOOD ENOUGH - Kelly Elliott

Meet me, and the characters of the third standalone instalment in the series with Good Enough, in Montana. Saddle on up for the story lasting longer than Tanner’s roping record, as we explore the budding romance between Tanner Shaw, and Timberlynn Holden.

If you like the slow-burn, small-town, friends-to-lovers, southern, cowboy/ranch hometown tropes to name a few, then Tanner & Timberlynn’s story is the one for you. A must-read for all romantics at heart who love all things Shaw brothers.

The time has come to get to know yet another Shaw brother, one whom we’ve been itching to read more about since his introduction in Brock’s story, Never Enough. Tanner Shaw, the roping brother of the trio, steps up to the plate of fate and stands eye-to-eye with the prospect of loving something other than his roping career. Timerlynn.

By now if you, like myself, have already read the other two standalones in the Meet me in Montana series, you be familiar with all three Shaw brothers. Namely, Brock and Ty with a bit of Tanner thrown in here and there. Good Enough sees us get an extra helping of the one who shall not be roped into love, and his journey to a place where he thought not possible for his heart to go. And it’s all thanks to Timberlynn, a Holden he will be holding onto longer than a roped steer.

Initially what drew me in to reading Good Enough—other than absolutely being besotted with the loveliest human on the planet, Kelly, and her books—was the allure of the nature of Tanner Shaw. We were teased with his introduction previously, and of course I like many others, wanted to know more about him and how he ticks. The mystery deepened as when Timberlynn was introduced into the story in Always Enough, Tanner became even more mysterious and I wanted to get my sleuth shoes on and investigate him even further. Seeing him change from what we had been teased with, to what we saw he COULD become, made me itch to read about him even more.

Refreshingly, the Good Enough’s main focus is taken away from the career of the Shaw brother, and encompasses the journey of two souls trying to find equal harmony in the Montana town that we have all come to know and love equal to, or even more than, previous towns in Texas introduced in other Kelly Elliott writes. The blend of interior and exterior factors around Tanner and Timberlynn has been written and executed flawlessly, without the overbearing nature of any main or sub-topic. Not an easy feat but as always, Kelly aces it with expert style. Making the wait for reading more in-depth about Tanner well worth the wait and twice as enjoyable.

Additionally and just as enjoyable, was how the personalities of the characters shone through more than I ever expected them to. When reading a book you can aways tell how a character is feeling via how the author conveys their emotions, but it is rare that you connect on such a level where you physically feel how the author has written those emotions. I felt this deeply here with Timberlynn in particular, connecting with her as if I was in her shoes and journeying along with her in her shoes. This is something I always admire about Kelly’s writing.

Each page turned (or even swiped!) made the admiration blossom even more until it was a lovely bouquet of sweet southern romance, mystery, and a will-they-won’t-they that will leave you rooting for your latest favourite fictional couple. As always, I could not put the book down until every last page was read. Unputdownable doesn’t even come close to describing the urge to read from cover to cover. It didn’t even enter my mind to put it down. Tanner and Timberlynn had me tantalised at every turn. You yourselves will discover the same when you pick up the rope, ready your steed and rope this romance read right onto your bookshelf.

It’s fair to say that as much as I—and thousands of others—love the good old-fashioned allure of many a small Texas town in other Kelly Elliott novels, Montana is quickly becoming the new Texas with its draw of equally attractive and captivating characters, charming towns, and everything in-between. Good Enough, like it’s book brothers before it, stands parallel in becoming a must-read of 2020 for both Kelly Elliott and new readers alike, to the genre and to southern romance in which you’ll be craving more of by the book’s end.

Good Enough won a new record in becoming one of my top ten of 2020, will it be yours?

Tempt yourself with Tanner and Timberlynn, and book a one way ride right to Montana on October 6th!