A review by booksuperpower
Honor by Daniel Grotta


Honor by Daniel Grotta is Pixel Hall Press Publication. I received a copy of this book from the publisher in exchange for an honest review.

Jeff had a great family life until his wife got sick. Now working for his brother-in-law, Jeff thinks back to his days in Vietnam, how he met his wife, his in laws and how he would like to be able to send his daughter to a school in France, but can't afford it. He hatches a plan to raise money without realizing it would have shocking consequences.

I loved this short story! The story is told from Jeff's perspective. If you don't like Jeff, then I don't know what to say. He's a great guy and you will find yourself really pulling for him. The story will pull you in from the beginning and hold your attention all the way through.
I have read other stories from this author and enjoyed them very much, but I have to say this one tops the list.

I would also like to invite you all to stop by my blog on Dec.21st (2013) for a tribute to short stories. Pixel Hall Press and their authors will be profiled and I will feature other reviews from their authors. The blog address is http://www.cluereview.blogspot.com