A review by imrogers
The Light Years by R.W.W. Greene


Fans of speculative fiction that makes smart social commentary on class and race issues will no doubt enjoy this book. Both Adem and Hisako are vivid, likeable characters with genuine points of conflict, particularly Hisako with her angst over finding that her entire life is being dictated by her arranged marriage. I particularly enjoyed the worldbuilding aspects of the novel covering the different Earth nationality factions and their subsequent conflicts, which Greene smartly conveys to readers through an essay for Hisako's history class. I found the novel's other great strength to be its portrayal of class conflicts, as the cruel effects of the lower classes of La Merde (see what he did there???) by the wealthy is shown in heartless detail.

While I enjoyed these aspects of the novel greatly, I do wish other moments had been faster-paced, particularly near the middle -- though readers will no doubt find the ending satisfying.