A review by mjanemartin
Little Green by Walter Mosley


I love Easy Rawlins'. How can you not love a character with a name like that? Easy (Ezekiel)is a hard-nosed African American detective, set in 1967 post-Watts Riot L.A. You can easily imagine some of the problems he encounters. Easy can be likened to Raymond Chandler's Philip Marlowe, only with an inner city edge to him. Little Green is great entertainment. Mosley weaves a good story and your favorite characters reappear (my fav is voodoo healer Mama Jo). The best Easy line? (upon inspection of the file the LAPD has on him), "There were all kinds of crimes I had been a suspect in - some of them I actually committed." Prose. If you're like me and thought "ewww", when you saw the cover of the book, don't let that dissuade you, it's a good read.

I will suggest that the books be read in order. There's a lot of building on previous stories and you don't want any spoilers when you surely decide to go back and read them all.