A review by erikachung182
Burial Rites by Hannah Kent


Video Review: https://youtu.be/9yGWsX6Qvhs

Updated score to 5/5 bc I can't stop thinking about this book! Still on my mind.

Burial Rites was an amazing read! I will be doing a video review of this soon too, but first, I want to just share some of my thoughts.

Sure, this is a historical fiction, but it also reads very much like a detective novel. When Agnes is housed to stay with a family in northern Iceland, there are many assumptions of her character and her actions. Of course, she's aware that is what comes with being a convicted killer waiting for execution means. So she doesn't bother to say anything in her defence, because she feels like she'd only be adding fuel to the flames people are burning her with. However, Reverend Toti is one person who encourages her to speak and to provide her side of the story. Initially, Agnes isn't willing to speak, and even when she does, she only proves bites and pieces. Toti has to piece fragments together, in combination with what other say and think about Agnes, in order to come to an understanding of her. I found that aspect of the novel to be great!

The characters of the book are so vivid and strong. Each character has their own distinct voice, and so it made reading what each character had to say very interesting. The character development was another strong factor to this book. I found the development in Agnes and Toti, and all the characters for that matter, to be wonderfully gradual and smooth. And I think it is that gradual and smooth development of characters that really get readers to become attached to the characters.

The setting of Iceland, the weather and the seasons play some crucial points in the book. It all impacts on memories, what people can do or not do, and the speed of communication. What is great is how these factors of Iceland, the weather and the seasons are all very subtle. They definitely add atmosphere as you read, but all the while, it's not in your face distracting you.

Overall, I really enjoyed Burial Rites! If you haven't read it, or are curious about it, I highly recommend you read it! It's not very long (314pgs) and the pacing will carry you through the book well.