A review by zosiablue
The Age of Cryptocurrency: How Bitcoin and Digital Money Are Challenging the Global Economic Order by Paul Vigna


I’m fascinated by money and I hate it. It makes for a lot of hate reading, but I can’t pull myself away.

Anyway, I read this because despite being a techie, I was totally ignorant about crypto & blockchain. My husband got into it, so I figured it was time for me to stop ignoring it.

I’m glad I read this. It’s an incredibly detailed and researched rich history of crypto & a deep dive into all possible futures and applications. It was written in 2015, so I did some back and forth between Google and the book to see what still held true.

I love the original premise. And I hate the VCs and billionaire bros who have co-opted it, though this is the only way it has a chance to become mainstream. Like the authors say, there are people in crypto who want to “change the world and make a lot of money doing it” and they don’t see a contradiction.

Regardless, I deeply understand & respect crypto now, which was my goal, so