A review by _bookally_
The Goddesses by Swan Huntley


I picked  this one up purely because storygraph suggested it for me and I can definitely understand why storygraph suggested it. Although I didn't really rate it high, it did have been intrigued from the get go and mostly throughout. 

This book follows Nancy and her family as they move to hawaii. Its like a last ditch attempt to save their marriage. Nancy befriends Anna, things happen, drama ensues. It gets tied up nicely at the end.

I liked the twist end. I didn't see it coming because I dont think it's something you really even think of for the ending but it was good. I couldn't stand Anna which is guess is the point.  I like the whole is it isn't greener on the other side look at things and the characters learning that the hard way. I like that self love was a strong plot in this for both Nancy and Chuck. None of the characters really stood out to me. Its not a book I will probably remember in a few months time.