A review by nasselin
City of Secrets by Victoria Thompson



This series has become my new favorite of Thompson's. While I love the gaslight series, it was still very Victorians in it's feel. This book is a feminist breath of fresh air and I LIVE for it!

Even though she was a former con artist, Elizabeth Miles is trying to go legit. She has a proper lawyer boyfriend, and she is making her way in society with the help of his suffragette mother. When drawn into helping her friend Pricilla find out what happened to her money after two husbands die in mysterious circumstances. There is a shady clergyman and his wife, a little bit of introduction to the mob as well. It was a great addition to the series.

I love that Elizabeth still retains some of her independence in a time when a woman is expected to go quietly into marriage. Even though her lawyer would like her to be like other women, he realizes that part of the reason he loved her was her contrariness. She is a modern woman stuck in. a decidedly backward time. I love that she is a strong character with flaws....just like in real life.