A review by nmcannon
When the Next Big War Blows Down the Valley: Selected and New Poems by Terese Svoboda


This book somehow cages poetry that paces like a tiger, burns like hot stove, mocks like a courtier, and destroys as much as it creates. Split into four sections, the poetry within demands justice just as much as it rails against more mundane, ordinary things and celebrates the sexiness.

It's quite a sensation to read, especially if you're sleep deprived in an airport and half-reading, half-lucid dreaming the words. Images pop, pure and disjointed. I sat down, but my head spun. I flipped the book around, as if reading upside down would be clearer. I gasped, giggled, and groaned. People in the airport left me alone, not because it was 3am and I was wearing a duly creepy Welcome to Night Vale shirt, but because I was clearly in an intense relationship with this book.

WHEN THE NEXT BIG WAR BLOWS DOWN THE VALLEY was one of my assigned MFA texts, so I was lucky enough to meet Svoboda, and she is a doll. Very kind and understanding of this wide-eyed reader. I say give this book to any and all poets in your life, as well as anyone who has been angry with a septic tank. This is a book for everybody.