A review by lidia7
The Peace of Wild Things: And Other Poems by Wendell Berry


2nd reread 9.1.24. listed all the poems I've enjoyed a lot, * the most, in italics names of poetry collections.

The Broken Ground
- Canticle
- The Plan

- The Thought of Something Else *
- To My Children, Fearing for Them
- The Finches *
- The Sycamore 
- The Dream *
- Against the War in Vietnam *
- The Peace of Wild Things *
- The Want of Peace *
- To a Siberian Woodsman

Farming: A Handbook
- A Standing Ground 
- The Contrariness of the Mad Farmer 
- Awake at Night 

The Country of Marriage
- The Old Elm Tree by the River
- Manifesto: The Mad Farmer Liberation Front
- The Wild Geese

A Part
- Stay Home
- A Meeting 
- Below 
- Ripening 
- Throwing Away the Mail
- For the Future *

- The Record 
- A Parting 
- The Wild Rose
- The Blue Robe *
- Let Us Pledge 

- In a Country Once Forested 
- They
- Why
- Listen!
- How to be a Poet *

Sabbath Poems
- IX.
- XI. 
- XIV.
- XVIII. *
- XIX. 
- XX. *