A review by taylorheaney
The Five Love Languages of Children by Gary Chapman, D. Ross Campbell



I was pretty familiar with the concept of the five love languages prior to reading. I honestly have no idea where I even got this book from, but I was looking for a short read and found this on my shelf. 

The authors do a good job of explaining the love languages and giving examples of how to show love. However, I was NOT aware that this was a part of a Christian book series. I found myself rolling my eyes a lot. Both authors listed on the cover have doctoral degrees, so I expected there to be a lot of scientific data within the text, but they frequently mentioned and cited Bible verses instead. Because of this, after reading, I decided to look up the authors... Chapman received his PhD from a Theological Seminary and Campbell received his MD in psychiatry. Regardless, I was expecting more. 

The information within the 5 love language chapters does provide some useful details for parents who may not understand the concept, or those that lack the ability to connect with specific needs. Even so, some parts of those 5 chapters were kind of boring and/or cringe worthy. 

The concluding chapters felt disconnected from the love language theme and I had to skim them to get through. That all being said, what I enjoyed most was that the authors continuously expressed the importance of a parent's unconditional love for their children and outlined what that means. 

It was a quick read, and only took me about 3-4 hours to get through.