A review by leemac027
Age of Anger: A History of the Present by Pankaj Mishra


I found it difficult to get into this book. Pankaj Mishra's focus is the amount of anger and outrage that is in current society and he links it to western modernity. I see the link and how, with the ever-increasing gaps between rich and poor that many people are feeling left behind, they have no voice and this can lead to anger, uprisings, outrage etc.

What I find though is that Mishra has an absolute view on how this age of anger is rolling out and who is to blame. I think it is more complex than that. Mishra seems to have a lot of anger in his own writing and wants to blame liberal democracy for all today's evils. Some good has come out of progressive development e.g. the increase in life expectancy and better living conditions (but of course not for all), science, medicine. I am not sure we can point the finger at one element as to why anger is so prevalent today.

It is an interesting book that will provoke discussion and certainly reactions from the readers. Worth exploring.