A review by haveyoureadreviews
X Members of the FB Group by Chris Colmenero, Chris Colmenero

funny medium-paced


Let me start out by saying somethings about me and this book. First, thank you Chris for providing me with a copy of “The X Members Of The FB Group” for my review. Second, I am a member of the FB group that Chris used to manage, and got to weigh in on some polls and posts about the book. When they were in the process of writing it. Why am I saying this? Because this was on my TBR shelf before any of the reviews were created.
After the reviews I had a feeling that this book was going to be read like my all time favorite movie “Dracula, Dead And Loving It”. Which, if you haven't seen it. It is a comedy with an easy to follow plot. That borderlines too much, but just in the right way. And has you laughing at the most random times. This book was the same. 
I will admit the writing starts out rough. But with this being the first book ever written by this author, it happens. I was really happy to find as I continued reading the flow started and I found myself enjoying the plot and characters. Which the characters! I loved the fun and yet sometimes relatable. I felt that Colmenero was really able to take everyday things and really run with them creating this funny story.
Because of the humor and the storyline this was an easy 7/10 rating from us. If you're looking for a book that will at least make you smile. With an easy writing style. Then I recommend grabbing the kindle copy now. I think this book would go really good with a cold cocktail and some summer sunshine. 
