A review by berlinbibliophile
Charlotte by Helen Moffett


I absolutely loved this book and read it in one sitting. Charlotte Collins (née Lucas) was always one of my favourite characters in Pride and Prejudice, so it's great to see her choices and interiority explored in greater depth here. Her story after the events of Pride and Prejudice is drawn with a fine pen here, and it was wonderful to see her find greater happiness than she found in the book. I loved the scenes of her setting up her household in Hunsford, and then the lovely time in Pemberley, when she reunites with her childhood friend Elizabeth. The book never glosses over how hurtful Elizabeth's reaction to Charlotte's marriage was, but shows how they can put that behind them with effort on both sides, and become stronger friends than ever. There are so many continuations of Pride and Prejudice, and this is one of my favourites.