A review by liana
Don't Believe Everything You Feel: A CBT Workbook to Identify Your Emotional Schemas and Find Freedom from Anxiety and Depression by Robert L. Leahy


I really enjoyed this book. I have been interested in psychology for years now; at some point I even considered studying the subject in university! While that didn't happen, my interest in the field was not lost. Leahy's book, however, is the first book I've ever read on the topic - for all my love for the field, I've never actually read a book on psychology before. I think I always found them a bit intimidating, so I kept putting them off.

Don't Believe Everything You Feel , however, is a rather "easy" book. It's not meant for an audience trained in psychology, so the language used is rather simple, despite the complicated, often difficult topics. I really enjoyed the 'lists' and exercises that existed within the book, as I believe they allow the book's readers to keep revisiting, and getting more out of it each time.

My favourite part of the book was the chapter on ambivalence and mixed emotions. I have always been a black-and-white, all-or-nothing person, so I often find myself struggling with accepting mixed feelings. For me, that was the most useful chapter of all. Overall, a quick, and informative read on a very interesting topic, with a very enlightening approach of its subject.

An ARC was provided via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.