A review by jacki_f
Die a Stranger by Steve Hamilton


This is the ninth book in Steve Hamilton's terrific series about Alex McKnight, an ex-cop who lives a quiet life in Paradise, northern Michigan. At the centre of this story is his friendship with Ojibwa Indian Vinnie LeBlanc, who abruptly disappears while grieving the death of his mother. Alex is concerned and becomes more so when he realises there may be a connection between Vinnie's disappearance and a local drug smuggling operation which has gone violently wrong. He teams up with a long lost member of Vinnie's family and their investigation will lead them all over the Upper Peninsula of Michigan, trying to stay one step ahead of an extremely nasty and very angry drug baron.

This is a taut, twisting story that builds tension as it goes and doesn't let up, but it also contains very real and fleshed out characters. There is so much to like about Hamilton's writing - highly engaging, in parts gently humourous and at other times downright nerve-wracking.

You could read this as a standalone novel, but you'll pick up more nuances in the characters' interactions if you have read others in the series - and it's SUCH a good series! The first book is A Cold Day In Paradise, though I actually started somewhere in the middle and that was fine too. I was delighted to find out that Paradise is a real place and one day I am determined to visit it.