A review by rebeccahussey
Fish Soup by Margarita García Robayo

Fish Soup is a collection of short stories and two novellas about life on the Caribbean coast of Colombia. They describe lives—often the lives of girls and young women—in uncertainty and turmoil. In one of the novellas, a young woman longs to leave Colombia but finds her ambitions thwarted. In the other, a girl grapples with the abstinence curriculum taught in her Catholic school as compared to the reality of the sexual explorations going on around her. The stories include a range of characters and situations, and each one captures a world that feels complex and real. García Robayo’s writing is dark. Her characters’ predicaments are messy and their worlds are often grim. The pleasures of the book come from the sharp detail with which García Robayo captures the environments and the inner lives of her characters. Each piece in this collection is evocative, suggestive, and daring.
