A review by gillianw
Special Forces - Veterans by Aleksandr Voinov, Vashtan, Marquesate


I'm not sure that I can put into words how this last instalment made me feel. How can I accurately describe how full my heart feels after being swept along on this brutally beautiful journey with two Mercs who met and fell in love under the ugliest circumstances? How can I explain how a little part of me feels like I've let go of two dear friends after reading the last words of the last chapter of the last book? I'm not sure that I can without seeming like a complete loon for being so completely and utterly affected by a fictional story about fictional characters. But maybe that's just the magic of great storytelling. It draws you in and makes the characters your best friends or your worst enemies. It can make you worry, weep and laugh in the space of a few sentences, sometimes even in the same sentence. But most of all, while you're in the thrall of the magic, it makes you feel. And this book, this series, had ALL the feels. 4 stars