A review by masquerader888
Second Grave on the Left by Darynda Jones


This review also posted at A Bookish Compulsion

After reading the first book in this series the urge to rush out and get the second was undeniable, and after devouring it in a day I am impatiently waiting for the third to arrive…quite simply this series rocks!

The wit and action I loved so much in the first installment of this series returns with perfect balance in this installment. Wicked humor, steamy sensuality and a fast paced plot blend perfectly together amazing leaving just enough room to expand the world and get a better look at some character’s pasts and history. My only complaint about this installment it the ending; I don’t particularly like cliffhanger endings, of which this was not. This was more of a drive off the cliff entirely, have the moment of oops and then ending. To say it left me both eager to read the next book and frustrated that I couldn’t have it in my hot little hands NOW would be an understatement.

I give this book four happy stars ★★★★