A review by meliaraastair
Cheddar Off Dead by Julia Buckley


Still waiting on book 2 in the Writer's Apprentice series (see A Dark and Stormy Murder), so I'm reading this series to pass the time...

Lilah gets caught up in another mystery - this time, she witnesses Santa get shot.  Okay, a local actor dressed up as Santa, but still.  Somehow Chicago's Italian mob is involved and Lilah gets herself a full time police escort, who ends up being a really cool character.  And will she ever get her second chance with Jay?

This series just doesn't even quite work and yet I keep reading them because I am entertained.  It seems like the things that are major leads in the case are just totally put on the back burner early on but probably should have been paid attention to.  Then Lilah is too afraid to function at moments then at other moments will call up the mob boss and chew him out.  Then her brother and wife are major characters early on and don't exist by roughly 1/3rd into the book.  It just doesn't work, plot-wise, yet somehow is entertaining enough to keep reading.  

I'll go 6.5 of 10 for enjoyment - something is just off about this series, but I already have started the next one - and 4 of 5 for readability.  There are also some strange, flat characters/missing moments of character development.  Also must be nice to just suddenly call into your job and them give you weeks off, no problem?  It doesn't quite add up!


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